Automatic WC & Urinal Sanitiser Service

Automatically control odours and limescale in the washroom
Our sanitiser & cleaner is the most cost effective way of controlling unpleasant odours by eliminating bacteria and keeping your washroom looking clean and fresh by removing lime scale – with every flush, automatically.
Fresh and Hygienic
Bad odours make the washroom unpleasant and reflect badly on businesses. Our proven antibacterial formula keeps your washroom clean and fresh, reducing bacteria and smells automatically with every flush.
Always Working for You
The Quadrasan unit is connected to the cistern of the toilet or urinal, with every flush of the WC or treatment of the urinal, Quadrsan antibacterial and cleaning solution is added to the water automatically, 24/7.
90 Day Guarantee
We know you will be satisfied with our Quadrasan service. If you are not and we can not rectify the issue within the first 90 days of your service agreement, we will offer you a full refund and cancellation.
Flexible Servicing
Our Quadrasan service is flexible, we can adapt to your business needs. Need more frequent refills / servicing? Or less, even for short amounts of time? Just let us know and we will adjust your schedule.
Always keeping your washroom fresh and clean
There are two major problems that are faced in the process of cleaning urinals with just water.
- Limescale: Limescale contains calcium that has the tendency to bond with every surface it touches leaving unattractive brown stains around the toilet bowl and the urinal rose.
- Bacteria build up: If the urinals or toilets are being washed with water only, it means that no actual cleaning is taking place which causes bacteria to build up on the urinal rose and toilet bowl. The bacteria has the tendency to stick to the limescale, this accumulation causes an odour build up. Also, as the water in the urinal is flushed, the droplets of water can spray up and contaminate other surfaces of the washroom. This makes the washroom environment not only unpleasant but also a potential health hazard.
The solution is Quadrasan, a system that has been specially designed to prevent limescale binding with the surfaces it comes in contact with, and prevents the accumulation of bacteria so that the risks of bacterial infection are decreased significantly.
Quadrasan is an automatically dispensing system that is mounted near the cistern and adds a small amount of the antibacterial and cleansing liquid to every flush. Vastum then visit at set intervals to service the dispenser and refill with Quadrasan ensuring the continued protection and cleanliness of your washroom.

How often?
You are in control of your contract and as such, we can service your Quadrasan unit as frequently as you wish.
Typically customers have a monthly service and refill but as the unit will only work whilst it contains Quadrasan, some customers increase this, especially in the at peak business times of the year, to reflect their changing needs.
You can increase or decrease your service at any point throughout your service agreement, simply contact us to let us know and we reschedule your servicing.
How long?
We offer two key differences with our service contracts for automatic WC & urinal sanitiser compared to most other service providers. These are:
- 90 Day Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 90 days of your new automatic WC & urinal sanitiser service contract you are not happy with the service we provide and we cannot rectify the issue, Vastum Group will provide a full refund and cancellation of your service agreement.
- 1 Month Cancellation Period. The initial automatic WC & urinal sanitiser service agreement is for 12 months. Thereafter the agreement becomes a rolling monthly contract with a 1 month cancellation period. We feel this is much fairer to you than the industry standard 3 month cancellation.
What do I get?
When you take out your service contract we deliver to you and install a brand new Quadrasan unit(s) that is yours’s and yours’s alone.
The dispenser is constructed from a highly durable ABS plastic which helps keep the unit looking good no matter how often they’re used. On each visit we service and refill your Quadrasan unit leaving it ready to continue keeping your washroom fresh and hygienic.
Lets discuss your services...
Whether you are in an existing contract and looking to move to a better service provider, or you are completely new to automatic WC & urinal sanitiser servicing or simply would just like some further information and advice – we are always pleased to discuss your requirements.